I was born with a fascination for the Animal Kingdom.
Growing up, I always had a rabbit, guinea pigs, birds, iguanas, cats, dogs, and fish - you name it.
From the age of five on, animals were a conscious choice for me to learn from. As an only child, animals were my constant companion. With supportive parents that nurtured this part of me, I began vaulting (gymnastics on horseback) at the tender age of five. By age seven I had my first horse, a filly I named Turkish Delight who taught me how to learn everything fundamental about BEING in the space of the horse. She taught me how to really listen.
since that time…
I have started foals, re-trained and rehabilitated ex-race horses, competed with hunters and jumpers, stunt-doubled in films and learned to drive a team of Fjords and Belgians. Along the journey, I have been broken and healed. I have won, lost, and fallen hard. I have experienced overwhelming joy, excruciating loss and heartbreak, unimaginable frustration, incredible peace and great satisfaction – all from this magnificent creature we know as Equus – the horse.
The depth to which horses have awakened the wisdom within me is profound. And so, I continue with the Awe and curiosity of a child to explore the dimensions of wisdom and consciousness of ALL animals.
We are so connected to our animals, and them to us.
It’s difficult to separate the two. My work looks at the WHOLE picture.
Through my learnings, I have created offerings to help others reach this place of joy, understanding, awe, inspiration, and health through the Way and Wisdom of the Animals.
The time for the animals has come. They know. They each have the wisdom to share if we choose to listen.
I have deeply explored the BodyTalk systems modality, Equine Bowen Therapy, and Animal Communication programs under the apprenticeship of one of the world’s leading Animal Communication pioneers.
Years ago a horse named Zee propelled me into a full-on obsession to help humans better understand their horses. This brought me first into the study of working on the animal’s physical form. By utilizing what I understood about locomotion and body mechanics, as well as anatomy and balance, I found some important connections that were associated with the “issues” I was hired to address. I decided to work from the “ground up” and completed 3 levels of the Equi-bow Canada program, an Equinology program. This allowed a better understanding of Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology and Nutrition, along with inter-cellular animal communication.
I have been fortunate to be able to nestle myself quietly under the wings of internationally renowned and gifted mentors in the fields of Equine Chiropractic, Animal Communication, Structural Kinetics, Farriers, Cowboys & Cowgirls and talented Trainers.
My first exposure to this realm of healing and observation was Equine Bowen Therapy. I could really understand the connections of the tissues or fascia in the physical body that hold emotional memory and story. I love being a witness to the unraveling and relaxing of the horse’s body as I work together with them to release old patterns and tensions. It’s a gentle, yet powerful technique that the animals LOVE.
(I have had equally amazing results working with dogs as I have horses).
For the first time in over 25 yrs, BodyTalk took away the chronic back pain I lived with daily. This seemingly “magical” technique blew my mind, as I could not understand how barely any touch, or even mention of my back “cured” so many years of intense pain. I literally devoured the program, studying and indulging in advanced training (I was lucky to have the school 15 minutes away from my home).
Part of this training incorporated a program called Linking Awareness - a profound journey into intuition. It’s like going on a magical adventure where we discover the precious and sacred gifts that our intuition has to show us. Loesje Jacob is the founder, extraordinary mentor, teacher, and medicine woman. I love her realness and her grounded approach to consciousness. I have had the honour of traveling to Indonesia to work and study on projects alongside students and professors of Veterinary Medicine. We had assignments at zoos and animal sanctuaries which gave me the opportunity to work with Bears, Monkeys, Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Hippo’s, Orangutans and so many more extraordinary creatures.

The story of Equuarius and the mystical white horse
I was born under the astrological air sign of Aquarius, providing me with a desire for the unconventional, the unexplained, the experienced and felt.
Into this current beauty and chaos of life, we are collectively fumbling into the age of Aquarius... a time for new.
Over the years I have witnessed the animal kingdom - especially horses (Equus) - assisting us in this Great Awakening and it is an honour to be guided by them.
WHITE HORSE ~ I have chosen the white winged horse with a blue pearl at the centre of the heart. We work with this frequency in the sessions I offer where we become more familiar with this extraordinary light.
THE SPIRAL ~ represents our continuous expansion and insight through our lessons, intelligence, and the gentle compassion for Self in the embrace of the human experience.
THE BLUE PEARL ~ represents the power of infinite Love and infinite Compassion. Because of this, it is the ultimate healer. The Blue Pearl is a reflection of our Inner God Nature – our Enlightenment. When our forms pass away, the Soul becomes a blue light – a Blue Pearl.
The Magical Power of the Blue Pearl is not superstitious. It is the Power to see through illusion.
This is the vehicle in which I have chosen to ride in these times. The vehicle I have chosen for the wisdom teachings she brings within myself, and out to the world as an expression of my Service to All sentient Life.
This is Equuarius.